Scroll down and enter your first name and last name.
We will then carry out an almost instant search to see if you match our records.
If a match is found, we will flag it and tell you how you can learn more.
Enter your full name and see if we can find a match.
If we can, we will help you find your lost accounts.
Enter your full name in the search box just above and click the search button. We search for family names (or surnames) rather than individuals names. Our database includes the names of people in the UK who have died intestate (without leaving a will) and therefore we are searching for relatives or familes rather than individuals.
Enter your name in the required fields at the top of this page and click the find button. We then search for anything related. Our database includes the names of people in the UK who have died intestate (without leaving a will) and therefore we are searching for relatives or familes rather than individuals.
If we find a match, you will be asked to dial a telephone number and you will hear further information regarding YourMissingCash. We will then read out your unique username and password. Don't forget to have a pen and paper handy to write down these details.
Return to this home page and log in to the members area with the username and password you were given during the phone call - and commence your search without delay. We will provide all the documentation you need to reclaim your lost accounts.