Enter your full name and see if we can find a match.
If we can, we will help you find your lost accounts.
Currently in the UK, banks and building societies and courts hold an estimated £4.5bn that is classified as unclaimed. This is held in current and savings accounts, Premium bonds and even money awarded in court cases.
How has this come about, and how likely are you to be someone who has an unclaimed account?
We are here to provide you with the essential information and tools to help you track down missing funds that are rightfully yours or someone close to you.
Begin your search by entering your name (or the name you are searching for) above.
Accounts Found
Lost Accounts
Pounds Saved
Financial institutions usually make considerable efforts to find their customers, but lose contact with them for many reasons, for example:
Customers forget about their investments, and that forgetfulness becomes permanent
People do not notify them of address changes
People make investments without telling their spouse. The surviving partner is unaware that funds are due to the estate.
Enter your full name in the search box at the top of this page and click the search button. We search for family names (or surnames) rather than individuals names. Our database includes the names of people in the UK who have died intestate (without leaving a will) and therefore we are searching for relatives or familes rather than individuals.
Enter your name in the required fields at the top of this page and click the find button. We then search for anything related. Our database includes the names of people in the UK who have died intestate (without leaving a will) and therefore we are searching for relatives or familes rather than individuals.
If we find a match, you will be asked to dial a telephone number and you will hear further information regarding YourMissingCash. We will then read out your unique username and password. Don't forget to have a pen and paper handy to write down these details.
Return to this home page and log in to the members area with the username and password you were given during the phone call - and commence your search without delay. We will provide all the documentation you need to reclaim your lost accounts.
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Short answer to the question is available about here or there or somewhere.
Short answer to the question is available about here or there or somewhere.
Short answer to the question is available about here or there or somewhere.
Short answer to the question is available about here or there or somewhere.
Short answer to the question is available about here or there or somewhere.
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